We’ve all heard of zinc. This common mineral is found naturally in the body and required for simple but important body functions.



Generally, this homeopathic medication known as zinc met. is prescribed for people who are enduring severe mental or physical debility; tiredness accompanied by restive and uneasy actions, for instance fidgety legs. It is possible that such conditions may be a result of excessive strain or tension as well as absence of sound sleep. Moreover, when an individual is derelict and generally tired out, he or she may perhaps also endure mental tiredness and have an inclination to reiterate a question before providing an answer to it. In addition, such symptoms may also be accompanied with tetchiness and nervous anxiety, particularly when they are exposed to too much noise or touched by anyone.

It is important to note that the conditions of such patients are likely to deteriorate when they try to forcibly hold back any discharge, such as coughs by administering syrups or medications that suppress coughs.

When one’s body is subjected to excessive stress or strain or is just exhausted it generally results in physical as well as mental debility. When a person endures such a condition, his/ her mind is perplexed and the physical symptoms begin to show. Usually, the person suffers from symptoms like splitting headaches and restive limbs. The person’s body endures further problems when it begins to combat the physical symptom when and while the nervous tiredness increases. As a result of these problems, the quality of these people’s, particularly physical and mental, deteriorates. However, they can get great relief if they prefer to take the homeopathic medication zinc met. Taking zinc met. will not only help to alleviate their symptoms, but also cure them of their ailments.

There are many people who have been living with minor urogenital problems, such as total failure of the urinary bladder or some unintentional leakage of urine.


Nervous Exhaustion:

As the body becomes overstressed, overworked, or simply exhausted, there is mental and physical weakness. When this happens, the mind becomes confused and physical symptoms start to occur such as headaches and restless limbs.

As the nervous exhaustion progresses, the individual’s body has more difficulty battling the physical symptoms. This greatly reduces their mental and physical quality of life. Turning to zinc met as a homeopathic remedy can help with all related symptoms and the condition itself.

Urogenital Problems:

Whether it’s a complete loss of bladder control or simply a bit of involuntary urine leakage, these types of urogenital problems can be frustrating to live with. Zinc met helps the body naturally strengthen itself to ensuring proper bladder control; which the body may not be able to do on its own.

Twitching Limbs:

Zinc met is effective as a homeopathic remedy for those that suffer from involuntary movements in the body; specifically the limbs. These may occur as a result of simple spasms or a condition such as restless leg syndrome. They can also be due to a more serious condition such as Parkinson’s disease.

Eczema and Viral Skin Infections:

As a result of unknown causes or eczema, the skin may get red, crusty, and itchy. This may be attributed to a viral infection such as chicken pox or measles. It may be due simply to a rash of some type, but there is often uncontrollable itching involved. The rash appears slowly and wears away at the infected skin. Using zinc met can bring tremendous help to those who suffer from such a condition.


These are the types of headaches that feel as though they are just pounding or bursting in your head. There may be pain over one side in particular or it may be all over. Often these types of headaches are attributed to working too hard or simply attributed to exhaustion.


No side effects are known


None are recorded.

Other names

Zinc Met


Source: HomeRemedyCentral, http://www.homeremedycentral.com/en/homeopathic-remedies/homeopathy/zinc-met.html

Herbs2000, http://www.herbs2000.com/homeopathy/zinc_met.htm






















































































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