Goji Juice Concentrate is made from the superfood goji berry.


  • Used as a beverage and dietary supplement.


  • Antioxidant:  Antioxidants are key elements in preventing damage of our cells by free radicals, or polluting molecules in our bodies. The total antioxidant power of goji berries, according to ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) tests used by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is about 10 times that of blueberries; one of the highest levels in the food world.
  • Special Delivery:  Including the juice of this berry in your daily diet is a powerful way to concentrate your efforts towards a healthy immune system. Plus, antioxidants can slow the process of aging, and help the body to make repairs.


  • As with any concentrated supplement, too much can have a laxative effect. Take care when introducing it in your diet.



Other names



Source: DrAxe, https://draxe.com/carrot-juice/

LiveStrong, http://www.livestrong.com/article/28304-health-benefits-goji-berry-juice/

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