Impatiens is widely distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere and the tropics.



  • Irritation
  • Impatience
  • Frustration and nervous irritation when progress is not considered fast enough
  • Quick-thinking impatiens types are often content to work alone unhindered by the percieved slowness of others; they don’t feel the need to control others


Impatiens is the Bach flower remedy whose indications are most clearly implied by its name. We can all be impatient at some time or another but sometimes this characteristic can dominate a personality, even if only for a short period of time. In this case the impatiens Bach flower remedy may help to re-establishing balance.


If rubbed immediately onto the affected areas, or used as a strong wash after exposure to poison ivy, jewelweed can prevent or alleviate the allergic reaction. A poultice or strong wash (used separately or together) can also heal a rash that has developed. Because jewelweed, in addition to its other attributes, has fungicidal properties, it can help repel an itchy and uncomfortable case of athlete’s foot.


We currently have no information for illicium velum. Please consult your pharmacist.

Other Names

jewelweed, touch-me-not, snapweed, Impatiens walleriana ,”busy lizzie”


Source: Wikipeda,

Ivy Rose Hilistic,




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