Glonoinum is a chief remedy for congestive headache. Headache is caused by working under gas light, when heat falls on the head or walking in sun, from heat of stove or hair cut during pregnancy and menopause.



Glonoinum is also useful in meningitis during dentition. Glonoinum is also used in menopausal syndrome. Flush of heat at the climacteric age. If uterine haemorrhage stops suddenly there is violent headache as if all the blood rushes to the head. It is also useful in headache instead of menses.


In homeopathy, glonoin is used to treat a number of health conditions. This homeopathic remedy is primarily used by homeopathic medical practitioners to treat heal problems like heatstroke involving the nervous control of the blood circulation to the heart and the head. Individuals suffering from this condition may experience symptoms, such as abrupt flashes of heat caused by enhanced blood circulation – the blood starting to flow upwards to the head. They may also have a sensation of fullness and satiated pain in the head and the sufferer makes an attempt to get relief from the pains by continuously squeezing his/ her head. In addition, this homeopathic medicine is also used to cure fatigue caused by exposure to excessive heat as well as at the beginning of a heatstroke. It may be noted here that glonoin is considered to be the best and most effective homeopathic remedy for sunstroke.

In case the sufferer experiences the sunburn symptoms returning even after a week’s time, he/ she should continue using the homeopathic remedy glonoin. It is important to note that this homeopathic medicine is useful in curing the pain as well as perking up the blood circulation facilitating the rapid improvement of the patient’s condition. One may also use a blend of glonoin mixed with topical flax seed oil enclosing essential fatty acids to reduce inflammation as well as to start restoring the tone of the skin to its original form. At this point of time, when the burn begins to heal, the sufferer is likely to experience intense pain accompanied by an itching sensation. Using cooled teabags on the areas affected by the sunburn provides relief from the itching sensation. This is primarily because tea contains tannins that comfort the skin affected by sunburn. The popular method of applying finely grounded oatmeal to treat ivy poisoning is also effective in providing relief from pain and itching when applied topically on the areas affected by sunburn. You may combine all the three substances – glonoin, topical flax seed oil and colloidal oatmeal and apply them on the affected areas to cure your sunburn more effectively as well as rapidly.

In homeopathy, glonoin is considered to be an excellent medication for treating hyperemia (accumulation of abnormally large amount of blood) of the brain caused by exposure to too much heat or cold and also for curing congestive headaches. This homeopathic remedy is also very effective for intercranial (pertaining to the skull), climacteric (a period when the reproductive capacity women diminishes) disturbances or problems due to repression of menstruation cycle.

Individuals who require the homeopathic remedy glonoin are likely to have vivacious, congestive headache. Such people are likely to appear flushed and they may even be capable of seeing the arteries in their neck and temples pulsating. In addition, people who need this homeopathic medicine are also likely to have a bewildered and giddy feeling. The headache suffered by such people worsen when they drink alcohol, are exposed to heat or when they are moving about. The headache improves and the sufferers find relief when they lie down in the dark or the head/ temple is pressed.

Even being a nitrate, nitro-glycerin possesses the physiological action of nitrites, but works comparatively much gradually than amyl nitrite. This medication may be administered when a balanced reduction of the arterial pressure is desired. Nevertheless, nitro-glycerin slowly becomes ineffective. Owing to these properties, homeopathic medicine practitioners may prescribe this remedy for treating arteriosclerosis (degenerative changes in the arteries distinguished by congealing of the vessel walls and build-up of calcium with subsequent loss of suppleness and diminished blood flow) as well as in nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) wherein the most prominent symptom includes high blood pressure. Glonoin has also been successfully used to treat several cases of angina pectoris (an ailment characterized by brief spastic attacks of chest pain). Occasionally, homeopaths combine glonoin with digitalis (foxglove) with a view to counteract the narrowing of the arterioles by digitalis with the belief that remedial dosages of digitalis put forth a marked vasoconstrictor action.

Homeopathic medicine practitioners use glonoin to treat unexpected, heavy symptoms along with the condition wherein the patient has a sensation as if he / she or a part of them would blow up. In such conditions, patients have a sensation as if all the blood in their body has been squeezed into their head along with a violent throbbing and a scorching hot head. They also experience a violent or heavy headache giving rise to a feeling that their head will blow up. When they have such heavy headache any movement or step by the sufferer causes painful pulsation. With a view to get relief from the pain, the sufferer holds the head tightly and tries to keep it still. In addition, they have a sensation as if the brain is extremely large to fit inside the skull.

The scorching hot sensation experienced by the sufferers can also be found in the region of the heart resulting in violent palpitations or shuddering. In addition, such patients may also suffer from an unusual congestion of the heart and the head. When the sufferers experience such congestion or jamming in the head, they generally become confounded as well as dumbfound. In such cases, they may also suffer from additional symptoms of convulsions or seizures.

As aforementioned, in homeopathy, glonoin may be the appropriate medication for treating sunstroke and headaches caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. In addition, this homeopathic remedy is also suitable for treating migraines, stroke and meningitis. People may endure such conditions when they are exposed to or working close to an open fire or under a gaslight. The homeopathic remedy glonoin helps to control the blood circulation as well as the blood pressure, thereby curing the actual condition, while providing relief from the associated symptoms. These symptoms worsen when the patients are exposed to the sun, when they are in a warm environment, owing to movements as well as consumption of alcoholic beverages. However, their condition improves and the patients feel better when they are in open air and cold environment as well as when they vomit.


  • Please check with your doctor.


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Other names

Glonoin/Glyceryl Trinitrate / Nitroglycerine


Source: Rxhomeo,





















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