Agnus, also called vitex, chaste tree, chasteberry, Abraham’s balm, lilac chastetree, or monk’s pepper, is a native of the Mediterranean region.



Vitex agnus-castus is used to alleviate symptoms of various gynecological problems. All evidence is limited to standardised controlled extracts such as used in Germany, different extracts or herbal mixes may have significantly different properties and safety issues. Some of the modern uses include premenstrual syndrome, abnormal uterine bleeding disorders and mastodynia.

Good evidence and safety exists for these uses:

  • PMS
  • Cyclical mastalgia
  • Mild hyperprolactinemia
  • Luteal phase defect

No specific clinical studies but use partially supported by clinical evidence on symptoms and mechanism of action:

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), improvement of symptoms
  • Uterine fibroids, control of bleeding symptoms

Emerging uses (with very early evidence):

  • Menopause, mechanism of action completely unclear.
  • Prostate disorders, Rarely used but given its mode of action theoretically interesting,
  • Migrainous women with premenstrual syndrome


The ‘chaste tree’ or Vitex agnus castus is a very useful aromatic shrub, and people have been using the different parts of the plant traditionally for various dissimilar purposes. The supple branches of this shrub have been used for making baskets, while the red fruits of the plant have been used to flavour foods. Even to this day, practitioners of herbal medicine make use of the agnus castus berries to boost production of hormones during menopause or PMS (premenstrual syndrome). It may be noted that Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of the alternative branch of medicine homeopathy, proved the efficacy of agnus castus sometime between 1826 and 1830.

The homeopathic remedy agnus castus is extremely effective in treating the problems encountered by menopausal women. In addition, this medication is useful for curing physical collapse due to substance abuse, including alcohol and drugs, or owing to too frequent sexual intercourse. Homeopathic physicians also prescribe agnus castus to people suffering from exhaustion, nervousness, depressions accompanied by mental tediousness and hopelessness. People suffering from the above mentioned conditions often experience symptoms like premature ejaculation, especially men who had a very high sex drive earlier, while women experience absence of libido or desire for sexual activities, particularly when they attain menopause. In addition, this homeopathic medication is also useful for treating menstrual disorders, such as very insufficient or profuse menstrual flow. Women enduring enlarged uterus, probably with vaginal discharges that cause staining may also find this homeopathic medicine extremely useful. Women who have been suffering from lack of or much less breast milk following childbirth and those related to depression during postpartum also benefit from agnus castus.

As aforementioned, in homeopathy, agnus castus is an effective medication for treating problems related to impotence, especially if the sexual dysfunction develops in a man following a prolonged period of frequent and heightened sexual activities. In fact, people who have a cold sensation in their genitals need the homeopathic remedy agnus castus most. Other people who might be requiring this medicine very much are those who always remain concerned about their wellbeing and loss of abilities to perform certain activities. Such people may also experience problems in concentrating or remembering things.

The homeopathic remedy agnus castus is very useful for people who tend to forget things and are unable to remember anything or concentrate. Such patients actually are incapable of recollecting things. In addition, in order to comprehend or identify with something, such patients need to read something twice or more times. People who require this homeopathic remedy are neglectful, absent minded and also suffer from absence of courage or lack guts.

As discussed earlier, this homeopathic remedy is also useful in treating impotency as well as infertility. People who need this medication are those who become completely impotent and their genitals become relaxed, cold and sagging. Such people lose all desire to participate in sexual activities, do not have any sexual power and even fantasies are unable to give a penile erection. Such people may have a history of recurring gonorrhea (an infectious venereal disease caused by a gonococcus). Interestingly enough, despite such misuse of sexual powers and the sufferings, such type of people do not have any disdain for themselves. In addition to curing the sexual dysfunctions in males, agnus castus is also a beneficial homeopathic medication for women and is useful in treating sterility among them. It is also beneficial for women who have lost all desire for sexual activities and particularly loathe having sexual intercourse. However, turning to the homeopathic remedy agnus castus may help them overcome these symptoms.


None are recorded. Please consult with your doctor!


It is recommended that Vitex agnus-castus be avoided during pregnancy due to the possibility of complications.

Other names

chaste tree, chasteberry, Abraham’s balm, lilac chastetree, or monk’s pepper, is a native of the Mediterranean region.


Source:  Wikipedia,
































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