Populus balsamifera, commonly called balsam poplar, bam, bamtree, eastern balsam poplar, hackmatack, tacamahac poplar, tacamahaca, is a tree species in the balsam poplar species group in the poplar genus, Populus.



Populus candicans, is used in skin care products for the treatment of eczema and dry skin. Its properties are: Analgesic, Anodyne, Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial, Anticancer, Antirheumatic, Astringent, Depurative


None are recorded.


We currently have no information for Interactions of Populus candicans.

Other names

Populus balsamifera


Source: Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Populus_balsamifera

AnniesRemedy, http://www.anniesremedy.com/herb_detail358.php














































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