Enterococcus faecium is a spherical bacteria that is part of the normal flora of humans.



  • Probiotics:
    • Along with other bacteria that are part of the normal flora, Enterococcus faecalis prevents the colonization of pathogenic bacteria in the body of its host by competing with the pathogens for binding sites and nutrients. They may also prime the immune system by inducing the production of low levels of antibodies against its own components which, in turn, makes the immune system more efficient. These characteristics of Entercoccus faecalis can also be used for the production of probiotics which are dietary supplements and foods that help to treat conditions such as infectious diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, tooth decay and periodontal disease, and vaginal infections.
    • Probiotics are available in the form of yogurt, fermented milk, miso, soy products and some juices and, although probiotics are generally considered safe, an article published in the June 2006 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition warns against the use of probiotics in premature babies and immunocompromised individuals, as the exact mechanism, appropriate administrative regimens, and interaction of probiotics with other drugs and foods is not completely known.
  • Acne Treatment:
    • Another relatively recent use of Enterococcus faecalis that is still being actively researched upon is acne treatment. A study published in the July 2008 edition of the Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology states that a protein component from SL5 strain of Enterococcus faecalis has the ability to inhibit the growth of a bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes, which is commonly associated with acne. Hence, this may be a novel treatment for acne.
  • Dairy Industry:
    • Strains of Enterococcus faecalis play an important role in the dairy industry and occur in a variety of cheeses, whey and natural milk. They are more commonly used in southern Europe and help in the development of the flavor of the cheese and can also be used as cheese starter cultures. As per a June 2003 article in the International Journal of Food Microbiology, Entercoccus faecalis also produces a toxin known as bacteriocin that can prevent the growth of several other bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio cholerae, thereby preventing the spoilage of dairy products.


  •  Supports the Immune System Response
  •  Displaces Pathogenic Bacteria to Colonize the Intestines
  •  May Improve Digestion and Gastrointestinal Dysfunction
  •  May Improve Cholesterol Levels
  •  Exhibits Insulin Sensitizing and Anti-Glycation Effects


  •  Large Variation in Quality of Probiotic Supplements
  •  Short Shelf-Life as Live Cultures can Die Off
  •  Limited Research into the Best Combination of Complementary Strains


N/a.  Consult with your doctor.

Other names



Source: Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterococcus_faecium

Nootritment, http://nootriment.com/enterococcus-faecium/

LiveStrong, http://www.livestrong.com/article/244675-beneficial-uses-of-enterococcus-faecalis/

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