Sodium alginate is a chemical taken from brown seaweeds. It is used to make medicine.



Sodium alginate is highly viscous and is often used as an emulsifier and a gelling agent. These properties give sodium alginate a variety of uses in many industries.


  • Algin is used to lower cholesterol levels and to reduce the amount of heavy chemicals including strontium, barium, tin, cadmium, manganese, zinc, and mercury that are taken up by the body. Algin is also used for the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure.
  • In foods, algin is used in candy, gelatins, puddings, condiments, relishes, processed vegetables, fish products, and imitation dairy products.
  • In manufacturing, algin is used as a binding agent in tablets, as a binding and soothing agent in throat lozenges, and as a film in peel-off facial masks.


  • Algin seems to be LIKELY SAFE when used in food amounts. However, the safety of larger medicinal amounts is not known.
  • Special Precautions & Warnings:Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Dried algin is LIKELY UNSAFE when inserted into the cervix to induce labor, as it has been linked with serious adverse effects. Not enough is known about the use of algin during pregnancy when taken by mouth or when used in any form during breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.


  • Medications taken by mouth (Oral drugs) interacts with Sodium alginate
    Algin is a thick gel. Algin can stick to medications in the stomach and intestines. Taking algin at the same time as medications that you take by mouth can decrease how much medication your body absorbs, and decrease the effectiveness of your medication. To prevent this interaction, take algin at least one hour after medications you take by mouth.

Other names

Alginate, Alginate de Sodium, Alginates, Alginato, Algine, Algue Géante, Ascophylle Noueuse, Ascophyllum nodosum, Goémon Noir, Laminaire Digitée, Laminaria digitata, Macrocystis pyrifera, Pacific Kelp, Sea Whistle, Varech Palmé, Varech Porte-Poire


Source: WebMD,

















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