A mixed triester derived from Coconut oil and glycerin. It comes in the form of an oily liquid, and is sometimes mistakenly referred to as Fractionated Coconut oil.
Caprylic mainly works as an emollient, dispersing agent and solvent.
- As an emollient, it both quickly penetrates the surface to condition the skin/hair, and provides a lightweight and non-greasy barrier of lubrication.
- As a dispersing agent, it helps enhance the delivery of vitamins, pigments and other active ingredients contained in a solution so that they become evenly spread out and fully absorbed by the epidermis. It’s oily texture helps thicken cosmetic formulations and provides a slipperiness, which in turn allows for the easy spread-ability of solutions and a smooth after-touch.
- Cosmetic manufacturers highly value this ingredient for its lack of color and odor, as well as for its stability. It possesses such great stability and resistance to oxidation, in fact, that it has an almost indefinite shelf life. You may find this ingredient in personal care products such as facial moisturizer, lipstick, anti-aging serums, sunscreen, foundation, eye cream and lip/eye liner.
Source: www.truthinaging.com/ingredients/capryliccapric-triglycerides