Dimocarpus longan, commonly known as the longan (UK: /ˈlɒŋɡən/; US: /ˈlɑːŋɡən/), is a tropical tree that produces edible fruit. It is one of the better-known tropical members of the soapberry family (Sapindaceae), to which the lychee also belongs. It is native to Southern Asia.
The fruit is sweet, juicy and succulent in superior agricultural varieties and, apart from being eaten fresh, is also often used inAsian soups, snacks, desserts, and sweet-and-sour foods, either fresh or dried, sometimes canned with syrup. The taste is different from lychees; while longan have a drier sweetness, lychees are often messily juicy with a more tropical, sour sweetness.
The seed and the shell are not consumed.
Dried longan are often used in Chinese cuisine and Chinese sweet dessert soups. In Chinese food therapy and herbal medicine, it is believed to have an effect on relaxation. In contrast with the fresh fruit, which is juicy and white, the flesh of dried longans is dark brown to almost black. In Chinese medicine, the longan, much like the lychee, is thought to give internal “heat”
1. Longan does miracles to nerve problems and is highly recommended as an anti-depressant. They give a relaxing effect to the nerves and are proven to enhance the nerve function, lower irritability and reduce fatigue. Longans treat neurasthenic neurosis and insomnia and are also capable to deal with neurasthenic and sleeping disorder.
2. Longans improve wound healing capability and increases longevity. Together with polyphenols, it helps to combat the free radicals within the body and prevents cells damage. It also helps to reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer.
3. Longons improve blood circulation and increases the iron assimilation in human body. This in turn prevents the occurrence of anaemia.
4. Longan is an excellent energy enhancer and is an outstanding Qi tonic which raises long term energy. Being a Qi tonic, it can be used to alleviate sleeplessness, lapse of memory and also anxiousness which are the outcome of blood and Qi deficiency.
5. This fruit is low in fats and calories; it is a healthy option for those who want to cut down fats from their body. Longans also contain complex carbohydrates which raise energy, enhance stamina and reduce food cravings. A half cup of longan contains only 35 calories making it a healthy addition to a low calorie diet.
6. Longans contain a high amount of Vitamin C which is useful in safeguarding the body from cold and flu and improves the defense mechanism. Vitamin C assists in soaking up iron and improves the skin condition as well.
7. It benefits the heart condition by cutting down stress and fatigue. It effectively stimulates spleen and heart conditions, rejuvenates blood circulation and provides a soothing effect on nervous system. It also reduces the risk of cardiac arrest and strokes.
8. Longan is beneficial for skin as well. Longans contain anti-ageing properties and are proven to improve skin health. This fruit is particularly beneficial for the delicate skin near the eyes, minimizing peeling and cracking of the skin and improves the skin tone. It also keeps the teeth and gums in a good condition.
9. The seeds of Longans are known to counteract heavy sweating, the pulverized kernel which contains saponin, tannin and fat that serve as a substance that draws the tissue together thereby constricting he tissue and effectively stops blood and other secretion.
10. The seeds of longan are proven to treat snake bites. Pressing the eye of the seed against the snakebite area absorbs the venom and cures the bite. The seeds also contain saponin that works wonders for hair and can be used as an important ingredient in the shampoo.
Although ripe longan fruit juice or flesh is so nutritious and delicious, try not to consume the unseasoned one or it is very likely to cause you asthma. And use it with care during pregnancy. Besides, it shouldn’t be used in the patients with phlegm-fire, food stagnation, or fluid retention inside, just in case it might lead to asthma due to phlegm blockage in the chest.
None are recorded.
Other names
Dimocarpus longan
Source: Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longan#Culinary_uses
Stylecraze, http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/top-10-amazing-health-benefits-of-longan/
Chineseherbshealing, http://www.chineseherbshealing.com/longan-fruit/