
  • Mercurius corrosivus, defined as a chemical preparation of mercuric chloride, is used in homeopathic medicine to treat ulcers in the intestines, mouth, throat, and eyes. It might also be used to treat late-stage gonorrhea and Bright’s disease, an older term for any ailment of the kidneys. Mercurius corrosivus might ease the symptoms of tenesmus, which is an unnatural urge to defecate marked by pain, straining, and cramping.
  • Homeopathic practitioners use mercurius corrosivus to treat ulcerative colitis, a condition that causes diarrhea and bloody stools. This disorder might stem from chronic ulcers that go untreated. Ulcers caused by excess gastric juice might erode the lining of the stomach and intestines, leading to severe pain. The bladder might also be affected.
  • Symptoms of ulcers in the mouth usually produce pain, trouble swallowing, excess saliva, and swollen glands in the throat area. A patient might feel like his or her teeth are becoming loose as gums become inflamed. The pain might pulsate to the ears and produce pus. When the condition also involves the throat, the patient might experience bouts of coughing and pain near the larynx.
  • Those who use homeopathic medicine as a remedy believe mercurius corrosivus relieves symptoms and cures ulcers in the mouth and throat. It might also be effective on ulcers on the cornea. These ulcers might make the iris appear muddy or blurred, and also produce intense pain.
  • Mercuric chloride is a salt considered a potent poison. It was used as an antiseptic in the 17th and 18th centuries. Bright’s disease was named by Dr. Richard Bright, a 19th-century physician who studied kidney disease. Modern doctors no longer refer to kidney disorders as Bright’s disease, preferring to describe diseases by their causes.
  • Kidney stones are formed by salt crystals that block ducts carrying urine into and out of the kidneys. Stones can cause pain and bloody urine as they pass out of the body. Mercuric corrosivus is considered a cure for kidney stones when used in homeopathic medicine.
  • Homeopathy uses micro-doses of a substance believed to cause illness. For example, a minute amount of mercuric salt might cure kidney stones formed by excess salt in the human body. Early homeopathic doctors experimented with toxic substances seeking their curative powers. They tested these theories on humans, called drug proving.
  • An early concept in homeopathic medicine based treatment on the color and shape of plants, fruits, and vegetables. Walnuts were used to treat brain disorders because of their shape and resemblance to the organ. Yellow plants were linked to bile and used to cure liver conditions.
  • One theory behind the use of mercurius corrosivus involves the temperament of people who develop ulcers. Mercury is sensitive to heat and cold, becoming a liquid at room temperature. Early homeopaths believed volatile people responded to mercurius corrosivus because they shared similarities with how mercury reacts to change. They also believed people who live near the sea reacted more favorably to salts in the compound.


Source: www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-medical-uses-of-mercurius-corrosivus.htm

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