By Vengolis – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,



  • Chanca piedra is an herb used to treat various urinary tract disorders as well as digestive tract disorders.


  • Chanca piedra is said to contain chemicals that relieve spasms and fever, increase urine, and fight bacteria and viruses. It is also said to lower blood sugar.


  • Chanca piedra may block pregnancy, increase the risk of low birth weight, or increase the risk of birth defects.
  • Chanca piedra might slow blood clotting.
  • Chanca piedra might affect blood sugar levels.


  • Taking chanca piedra might decrease how well the body gets rid of lithium.
  • Taking chanca piedra along with diabetes medications might cause a dangerous drop in blood sugar.

Other Names

Amli, Arranca-Pedras, Bhonya, Bhoomi Amalaki, Bhui-Amla, Bhumi Amla, Bhuianvalah, Bhuimy Amali, Bhuin Amla, Bhumy Amalaki, Bhumyamalaki, Brise Pierre, Cane Peas Senna, Cane Senna, Carry-Me-Seed, Casse-Pierre, Chancapiedra, Chanca-Piedra Blanca, Chance Pierre, Child Pick-a-Back, Creole Senna, Daun Marisan, Derriere-Dos, Des Dos, Deye Do, Dukong Anak, Elrageig, Elrigeg, Erva-Pombinha, Evatbimi, Feuilles la Fièvre, Gale-Wind Grass, Graine En Bas Fièvre, Graine-En-Bas-Feuille, Hurricane Weed, Jar-Amla, Jar Amla, Kizha Nelli, Malva-Pedra, Mapatan, Memeniran, Meniran, Niruri, Nymphanthus niruri, Para-Parai Mi, Paraparai Mi, Pei, Phyllanto, Phyllanthus amarus, Phyllanthus carolinianus, Phyllanthus fraternus, Phyllanthus kirganella, Phyllanthus lathyroides, Phyllanthus lonphali, Phyllanthus niruri, Phyllanthus sellowianus, Pierre de Chanca, Pitirishi, Pombinha, Punarnava, Quebra Pedra, Quebrapedra, Quinina Criolla, Quinine Creole, Quinine Weed, Rami Buah, Sacha Foster, Sasha Foster, Seed on the Leaf, Semence dans la Feuille, Shka-Nin-Du, Shatter Stone, Stone Breaker, Stone-Breaker, Stonebreaker, Tamalaka, Turi Hutan, Viernes Santo, Ya-Taibai, Yaa Tai Bai, Yah-Tai-Bai, Yerba de San Pablo.



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