Cinnabaris (1)

Cinnabar, or red mercuric sulfide, was used as far back as the pre-Mycenean Bronze Age around 2000 B.C. to colour paint.



Chronic rhinitis; eye infections such as iritis and keratitis; toothache, increased salivation, inflammed conditions accompanied by ulcerations in the mouth, throat or on the tongue; warts that tend to bleed slightly; mucosal diarrhoea


  • Cinnabaris is a good choice for headaches which feel as though a tight band has been placed around the head, or a feeling of pressure at the root of the nose, as well as pain emanating from the bones surrounding the nose, which can also include the eye sockets. It is also often prescribed for chronic inflammation of the eye such as iritis and keratitis. It also has a positive effect on intense ostalgia caused by inflammation of the joints or periosteal thickening.
  • Cinnabaris is effective in the treatment of light bleeding from wounds, condyloma around the genital area and bright red ulcerations (as in the mouth). Furthermore, old or chronic syphilitic complaints or their side effects can be effectively treated with this remedy.
  • Cinnabaris is often prescribed for long-term or chronic conditions


Use with caution and consult your homeopatician


None are recorded.

Other names



Source: Avogel,




































































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