Colloidal silicon dioxide: You might have seen it on a label or two and wondered what it is exactly. Colloidal silicon dioxide is actually a commonly used filler product.



  • Also known as colloidal silica, this agent finds itself into many food and medicine products. In addition, its uses aren’t just limited to food and medicine. Since silicon is so abundant and versatile, manufacturers in other industries also find many uses for it.


  • Food products often contain colloidal silicone dioxide. This is due to its ability to act as a free-flowing agent. It’s found in salt, seasoning salt and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). It’s also found in spices, meat curing powders and many other food products requiring an anticaking agent.
  • Since colloidal silicon dioxide is inert and doesn’t dissolve in water, it’s often used as a coating for medicinal pills and dietary supplements. Medical-grade colloidal silica goes by the trade name “Aerosil.”
  • Colloidal silicon dioxide can also be used as a thickening agent in industrial settings, as with paint, dyes, shampoos and some cosmetics. It goes under the trade name “Cab-o-Sil” when used as an industrial thickening agent.


  • Silicon is LIKELY SAFE in food amounts. Its safety as a medicine is unknown.

    Kidney stones can occur, though rarely, in people taking silicon-containing antacids for long periods of time.


  • Please consult your nutritionist

Other names



Source: ehow,


















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