Corn Gluten Meal (CGM) is a byproduct of corn (maize) processing.



  • Used as an animal feed.


  • CGM is applied using a spreader or even by hand: the material is essentially harmless if not inhaled, and is, in fact, edible (though not particularly palatable). On lawns, CGM is applied in early spring (usually timed phenologically by the blooming of crocus or forsythia), and again in the autumn. If the lawn is overseeded, CGM should either be applied at least six weeks before sowing, or two weeks afterwards.


  • Though very safe to use and nontoxic, CGM should not be applied to areas where it is likely to wash directly into watersheds (it is a nitrogen source). Otherwise it is ecologically safe.


  • Not known.

Other names

  •  CGM


Source: Wikipedia,

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