Cottonseed oil is among the most common vegetable oils used in the US. Referred to as “America’s original vegetable oil,” it has been a part of the American diet since the 1800s and has been in high demand among consumers since then



  • This vegetable oil is frequently used for frying, deep-frying, and baking. Because of its neutral taste, cottonseed oil is said to enhance the natural taste of food, unlike other oils.Cottonseed oil is a familiar feature of processed foods, which I absolutely recommend you avoid if you want to achieve true health. It’s a popular ingredient in margarines, icings, and whipped toppings, because it helps form beta prime crystal, which promotes the ideal texture and creamy appearance of shortenings, spreads, and similar products. Cottonseed oil is also added to salads.

    Other processed foods that use cottonseed oil as an ingredient include potato chips and French fries, baked goods, cereals, mayonnaise, stir-friend and oriental dishes, and spicy foods.

    Cottonseed oil is also used in personal care products such as soap and cosmetics. Soap produced with cottonseed oil was found to be adapted to washing wool. The oil from cottonseed is also added to laundry detergents. Other products where cottonseed oil is used range from rubber to insecticides and explosives.

    Unrefined cottonseed oil was once used in medicine to treat colic in babies. However, it contained a substance called gossypol, a toxic one that can only be metabolized by cows and other livestock


  • Public health advisories promote cottonseed oil as a “healthy” alternative to tropical oils because of its high unsaturated fat levels, which, findings show, has cholesterol-lowering properties – particularly LDL cholesterol. It is also free of cholesterol and has low levels of saturated fat, both of which are promoted by mainstream media and medical advice as culprits in heart disease.
  • Apart from this so-called cholesterol-lowering action, cottonseed oil, along with almond oil and wheat germ oil, has high concentrations of vitamin E. Of the three, cottonseed oil is the most practical choice due to almond oil’s expensive price and wheat germ oil’s bitter flavor.
  • Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that plays a role in the prevention of diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, and prostate cancer. Conventional health experts advise getting vitamin E from vegetable oils like cottonseed oil, because people do not eat vitamin E-rich foods on a daily basis. It is also believed that vitamin E contributes to the long shelf-life of cottonseed oil


  • Calories

    Cottonseed oil contains only fat, so it is high in calories compared to other foods. Each 1 tbsp. of cottonseed oil contains 120 calories; this is the same number of calories in other oils, such as olive and canola, as all are pure fat. If you are watching your weight, consume fat in moderation in your diet to keep you caloric intake under control. Some fat is necessary, but it can contribute to weight gain.

  • Monounsaturated Fat

    Compared to some other oils, cottonseed oil is low in heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. A 1 tbsp. serving contains just 2.4 g, compared to 10 g in the same quantity of olive oil. Monounsaturated fat decreases risk of heart disease, as it increases levels of “good” high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and decreases levels of “bad” low-density lipoprotein. To maintain a healthy heart, select oils that are high in monounsaturated fat, such as sunflower, safflower or canola.

  • Polyunsaturated Fat

    Cottonseed oil contains a good deal of polyunsaturated fat compared to other oils, with 7 g in 1 tbsp. The same quantity of olive oil contains 2 g. Like monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat has a beneficial effect on the heart and has been shown to decrease LDL and increase HDL levels. Because cottonseed contains so little monounsaturated fat and a good deal of saturated fat, however, its content of polyunsaturated fat is not enough to justify consumption.


  • Please consult your nutritionist

Other names



Source: Live Strong,



















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