Garlic (Allium sativum) is a plant native to Asia, used for centuries for both culinary and health purposes. Garlic bulbs, the most commonly used part of the plant, contain numerous phytochemicals, including a substance called alliin. Alliin is a sulfur-containing compound derived from the amino acid cysteine. It is the precursor to another compound, allicin, believed to be the primary active ingredient in garlic.
The product promotes Cardiovascular Health
Strongly linked to possibly prevent cancer and prevent heart disease, garlic may even ward off heart attacks and strokes more effectively than aspirin! Now get all the antioxidant, anti-aging benefits of garlic, without the unpleasant odor. Dynamic Fitness’ deodorized garlicl gel capsules work as a natural antibiotic / anti-fungal, protecting your body against infection and detoxifying your blood. Improve your overall health with deoderized garlic gel capsules for the prevention of cancer and heart disease!
Body odor and malodorous breath are the most common complaints after ingesting garlic preparations. Mild GI adverse reactions (eg, bloating, flatulence, nausea) have been commonly reported with use. Ingestion of a single 25 mL dose of fresh garlic extract has caused burning of the mouth, esophagus, and stomach; nausea; sweating; and light-headedness.
Garlic may reduce saquinavir plasma concentrations. Caution patients taking saquinavir to limit ingestion of garlic and to avoid taking garlic supplements without consulting their health care provider. Based on available reports, no special precautions are necessary in patients eating garlic and taking warfarin. However, because warfarin has a narrow therapeutic index, caution patients against use of alternative medicines without consulting their health care provider and to report any signs of bleeding. Based on an initial study, garlic does not appear to interact with alprazolam, dextromethorphan, docetaxel, or ritonavir.
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