Fava Beans is of uncertain origin and widely cultivated as a crop. A variety Vicia fabavar. equina – horse bean is recognized as an accepted name.



  • A master source of protein and soluble fiber, these beans are free from saturated fat, making it a good delicacy to be enjoyed along with many other benefits.


  • Good For The Heart:1 cup of fava beans yields 36 grams of soluble fiber. Studies suggest that ingestion of soluble fiber laden foods can help in keeping the levels of cholesterol, as well as blood sugar under control. These fiber variants also help in lowering the levels of low-density lipoprotein or the bad cholesterol, and thus shield your heart.
  • Aids In Weight Loss:You get about 40 grams of protein from 1 cup serving of fava beans. According to the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who consumed a meal rich in high protein and high fiber were able to see better results than those who were on a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet. The total fat loss was also higher while there was a dip in the net cholesterol levels.
  • Packed With Nutrients:Fava beans are laden with nutrients in abundance. The broad beans are treasure troves of assorted minerals and vitamins. Some of those include magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, phosphorous, vitamin B1, and thiamin, with just ¼ cup yielding 10% to 19% of recommended daily allowance.While vitamin B1 is essential for the normal functioning of your central nervous system, copper plays a vital role in keeping your immunity, bloodstream, and bones balanced and healthy. Magnesium and phosphorus are essential for maintaining the blood pressure levels and bone health, while iron is the oxygen transporter.
  • Good Source Of Folate And Manganese: Fava beans are a super good source of manganese and folate. While the former plays a quintessential role in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, folate is known to be required for cardiac health, immunity, and synthesis of red blood corpuscles.
  • Aids In Combating Depression:Yes, this broad bean could help in combating depression. According to studies, the beans, packed richly with the amino acid dopamine, can do wonders in improving your mood and thus help in alleviating depressive conditions.
  • Helps In Avoiding Hungry Pangs:Fava beans are loaded with a good dose of protein and fiber. Studies suggest that fiber and protein help in keeping you fuller for a longer time. It is comparatively a low-calorie delight, with ½ a cup of boiled fava beans giving just 95 calories. Smash a handful of cooked beans with spices of your choice and use it as a spread on your whole grain toast for a tasty snack.
  • Good For Pregnant Women:Pregnant women need iron and calcium. Fava beans are an ideal food that a woman can enjoy during pregnancy and lactation. While the beans meet about 14% of RDA of iron, they are also known to render adequate amount of calcium. The constipation experienced during pregnancy is also kept at bay as these beans are laden with soluble fiber. It also easily fills a pregnant woman up and gives her sufficient energy.
  • Good Source Of Vitamin C:Fava beans are a good source of vitamin C. And, this vitamin, as all of you know, is a very powerful antioxidant. The antioxidant nature of vitamin C helps in eliminating the free radicals, which, when left unharnessed, induce oxidative damages. These oxidative damages further trigger the onset of premature aging signs such as fine lines and wrinkles, various types of cancers, and even weaken your immune system. 100 grams of the raw beans give you 1.4 mg vitamin C.


  • Fava beans have been suggested as a possible way to alleviate depression. The reason for this is that fava beans contain levodopa, also called l-dopa. Your body has the ability to convert levodopa into dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate your mood.
  • However, the amount of levodopa in fava beans varies, which means the benefits may be inconsistent. Some researchers suggest that the high amounts of levodopa can cause a vitamin B6 deficiency, which can cause depression. More studies need to be conducted.
  • It’s been reported that you should avoid fava beans if you are taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors, or MAOIs, for depression.


  • Unknown, please consult your nutritionist.

Other names

  • Vicia faba, broad bean, faba bean, field bean, bell bean, or tic bean


Source: Stylecraze, http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/health-benefits-and-nutritional-value-of-fava-beans/#gref

Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vicia_faba#Malta

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