Ground Corn: Stone-ground grits are made from dried whole corn kernels ground between two stones, just as it has been for centuries, which guarantees their corn flavor.



  •  Used as human and animal food.


  • Stone-ground corn boosts your vitamin intake, especially your intake of vitamins B-1 (thiamine) and B-6 (pyridoxine). The thiamin from your diet helps promote immune function, which protects you from infectious disease and helps your cells make usable energy. Pyridoxine aids in healthy brain development, and it also helps your brain cells communicate with each other. A 1/2-cup serving of white or yellow stone-ground corn boasts 235 micrograms of thiamin and 185 micrograms of pyridoxine. This makes up 14 percent of your daily B-6 requirements, as well as 21 percent and 20 percent of the daily B-1 intakes for women and men, respectively, according to the Institute of Medicine.


  • None.


  • Not known.

Other names

  •   n/a


Source: LiveStrong,


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