Hemlock spruce (Abies Canadensis)


  • This common forest tree seldom rises above 75 feet, with the trunk large in proportion, straight, and covered with a rough bark. The branches are brittle and nearly horizontal, with pubescent twigs. The leaves are about half an inch in length, linear, obscurely fine-toothed, glaucous beneath, in two opposite rows. The cones or strobiles are very small, ovoid, terminal, and drooping, with a few rounded, entire scales. The foliage of this tree is delicate, bright-green above and silvery-white underneath; its timber is very coarse-grained.



Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage:

  • A strong decoction of the bark of this tree is beneficial in leucorrhoea, prolapsus uteri, prolapsus ani, diarrhoea, etc., administered internally, and used in enema; it is likewise of service as a local application in gangrene, and in aphthous, and other oral ulcerations.
  • The essential oil of this tree, the oil of hemlock, has occasionally been used by pregnant females to cause miscarriage, but serious effects are apt to follow therefrom. As a liniment this oil has been used in croup, rheumatism, and other affections requiring a stimulating local application. The essence (oil) of hemlock is diuretic and highly stimulant. Dr. W. K. Everson states it to be a superior remedy in gastric irritation to allay vomiting in cholera morbus, etc. The dose is 5 or 10 drops in water, every 10 or 20 minutes, until relief is afforded.
  • The alcoholic preparations of this drug usually pass under the name of Pinus canadensis. Such preparations are of much value where a mild stimulant and astringent is required, and especially in catarrhal disorders of the mucous tissues, with marked pallidity and relaxation. It is likewise of value in passive hemorrhages, and is useful topically in scalds and burns. Tincture, 5 to 30 drops; specific Pinus canadensis, 2 to 10 drops, preferably in equal parts of water and glycerin; the oil, 2 to 5 drops.


  • This is a homeopathic remedy. Please consult your doctor before administering homeopathic remedies and proceed with caution.


Source: www.henriettes-herb.com/eclectic/kings/abies-cana.html

See Homeopathy for more information.

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