Hydrated silica is a form of silicon dioxide, which has a variable amount of water in the formula. It is also known as silicic acid



  •  It is used in food products as an anti-caking and free-flow agent and in dentifrice applications.  Huber Engineered Materials carries a board line of hydrated silicas for multiple applications.


  • Hydrated silica is a mild abrasive which gives toothpaste a smoother “gel” quality. Combined with calcium carbonate, it helps to safely remove plaque with brushing. We mix it into our childrens’ flavors and our Wintermint flavor in combination with a regular toothpaste base to give these flavors a unique half-paste, half-gel consistency. The ingredients are thoroughly blended, however: the gel and paste ingredients are not made into distinct “stripes” within the tube. This makes it a better cleaner, so that it can help to remove stains that have formed on teeth.


  • The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reviewed the safety of Silica and permits its use in food.  Hydrated Silica is in toothpaste, beer, paper products used to package food, and in hundreds of foods and drinks.  Hydrated Silica is clear, odorless and tasteless.   The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lists this ingredient as “Generally Recognized As Safe ” or “GRAS” for use in food and food packaging.


Not enough information is available. Consult your doctor.

Other Names

Silicon Dioxide


Source: Hubermaterials, http://www.hubermaterials.com/hydrated-silica.aspx

Tom’s of Maine, http://www.tomsofmaine.com/ingredients/overlay/hydrated-silica

Wondercide, http://blog.wondercide.com/hydrated-silica/

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