Kali iodatum is a chemically prepared homeopahic remedy.
- The homeopathic remedy kali iod. is usually prescribed to cure problems of the glands, for instance, distended glands related to flu, tender throats as well as complaints of the prostate. In this case, the pains are dispersed or spread instead of being confined to one particular place. Individuals to require this homeopathic medication most are those who are prone to have hay fever and sinus congestion, particularly during the hot summer weather. Such patients usually have dense greenish mucus or pungent runny nasal discharges.
Beneficial for:
Catarrh and chest infections:
Often prescribed for chest conditions that are chronic, long lasting or frequently recurring. These conditions are often accompanied by lethargy or tiredness, sensitivity or soreness of a vague but general nature.
Prostate gland disorders
Particularly sinusitis that is accompanied by watery discharge, often as a result of an infection started by a bout of influenza.
- Please talk to your doctor.
- None are recorded.
Other names
Potassium iodide
Source: Herbs2000, http://www.herbs2000.com/homeopathy/kali.htm