Liver Extract (Porcine) is a product that comes from animal liver, most commonly from cattle. Liver extract is used to make medicine.



  • Liver extract is used for improving liver function, treating chronic liver diseases, preventing liver damage, and regenerating liver tissue. It is also used for allergies; chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS); enhancing muscle development in bodybuilders; improving stamina, strength, and physical endurance; removing chemicals from the body (detoxification); and as an aid to recovery from chemical addiction or poisoning.


  • To improve energy:

    A low red blood count, referred to as anemia, causes your body to feel very, very tired. So a common use of the liver extract is to treat anemia or chronic fatigue syndrome.

    Traditional treatment was done by injecting liver extract from cows into humans in hopes of boosting red blood cell production. But one study found that liver extract was no more effective than a placebo, so fewer doctors have been using liver extract for this purpose.

  • To Fight Cancer:

    Many treatments have been tried in the quest to cure cancer. Liver extract is no exception. The extract was recommended in Gerson therapy, one of the oldest alternative cancer treatment programs. It relies on natural treatment, like dieting and supplements, to detoxify the body and keep organs as strong as possible.

    Gerson therapy used to prescribe drinking liver extracts from raw calves in order to revitalize the liver. However, raw extract has been deemed unsafe due to possible toxins and its very high levels of vitamin A.

    For a while, Gerson therapy promoted a solution of liver extract via injections in place of the raw extract. Today, this treatment is not used to prevent or treat cancer.

  • To Resist Illness:Even though liver extract has not proven very helpful in fighting cancer, a study conducted on rats found the extract to have antiviral properties. These properties were helpful in fighting certain types of the flu virus. The liver extract solution that was used actually significantly increased the rat’s life. This study supports the belief that liver extract may be beneficial, though it has not been replicated in humans.

  • To Treat Hepatitis C:Researchers wanted to know if liver extract was as efficient as other treatments for chronic hepatitis C. They found a slight improvement, but no major changes due to the extract.


There isn’t enough information to know if liver extract is safe. Since some preparations of liver extract come from animals, there is concern about possible contamination from diseased animals. However, so far there are no reports of diseases in humans that were caused by ingestion of contaminated liver.


  • We currently have no information for liver extract Interactions

Other names

Aqueous Liver Extract, Concentré de Foie, Concentré de Foie Néonatal, Desiccated Liver, Desiccated Pork Liver, Extracto de Hígado, Extrait Aqueux de Foie, Extrait de Foie, Extrait de Foie Hydrolysé, Extrait Liquide de Foie, Facteurs Hépatiques, Foie Cru, Foie Desséché, Foie de Porc Desséché, Fractions de Foie, Fractions Hépatiques, Fractions Liquides de Foie, Hydrolysat de Foie, Hydrolyzed Liver Extract, Liquid Liver Extract, Liquid Liver Fractions, Liver, Liver Concentrate, Liver Factors, Liver Fraction II, Liver Fractions, Liver Hydrolysate, Liver Substance, Neonatal Liver Concentrate, Raw Liver, Substance de Foie, Substance Hépatique


















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