Melilotus officinalis, known as yellow sweet clover, yellow melilot, ribbed melilot and common melilot is a species of legume native to Eurasia and introduced in North America, Africa and Australia.
Melilotus officinalis can be used as pasture or livestock feed. It is most palatable in spring and early summer, but livestock may need time to adjust to the bitter taste of coumarin in the plant. Prior to World War II before the common use of commercial agricultural fertilizers, the plant was commonly used as a cover crop to increase nitrogen content and improve subsoil water capacity in poor soils. Melilotus officinalis is a major source of nectar for domestic honey bees as hives near sweetclover can yield up to 200 pounds of honey in a year.
Melilotus officinalis has been used as a phytoremediation—phytodegradation plant for treatment of soils contaminated with dioxins.
In the chemical industry, dicoumarol is extracted from the plant to produce rodenticides.
In herbal medicine it has been used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, lymphatic drainage of congestion, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, and it also is said to improve blood circulation. The herb also has been used as a laxative and diuretic. Asthmatics have smoked it and it has been used as a poultice in the treatment of rheumatism, wounds and inflammation. As a tea, melilotus officinalis has been used to ease muscle aches, headaches and gastrointestinal problems.
The herb can have side effects, and these include bruising or bleeding, yellowed skin or eyes, mood changes, headache, stomach pain and darkened urine. People with liver disease should check with their doctors before using this herb, and diabetics also should take precautions.Melilotus officinalis should not be used by pregnant women, and a doctor should be consulted when breastfeeding. A blood-thinning compound found in the herb led to its use in mouse and rat poison.
- Please consult your doctor.
Other names
field millet, ribbed millet, melilot trefoils, yellow melilot, ribbed melilot and common melilot
Source: Wikipedia,