Milk Protein Concentrate (MPC) is any type of concentrated milk product that contains 40–90% milk protein.


  • Used in nutritional beverages, nutritional and dietary products, aged care products, infant formulas, protein bars, yogurts, recombined cheeses, cultured products, frozen desserts, bakery and confection applications.


  • MPC can be financially advantageous to producers of milk for cheese production, as its addition increases the protein level of the product achieving greater cheese yield for less capital investment.
  • “MPC contains micellar casein, whey proteins, and bioactive proteins in the same ratio found in milk. As the protein content of MPC increases, the lactose levels decrease. This high-protein low-lactose ratio makes MPC an excellent ingredient for protein-fortified beverages and foods and low-carbohydrate foods.”
  • MPC can make products more heat stable, and it can provide solubility and dispersibility when used





Other names



Source: Wikipedia,

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