Orchic extract is made from cattle testicles. It is used to make medicine.



  • Men use orchic extract to maintain healthy testicular function.




  • There isn’t enough reliable information to know if orchic extract is safe. However, since orchic extract preparations are made from animals, there is a concern about contamination with diseased animal parts. But, so far, there are no reports of disease transmission to people due to use of contaminated orchic extract.

    Special Precautions & Warnings:

    Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Because it is unlikely that women would use orchic extract, the safety of using orchic extract during pregnancy and breast-feeding has not been studied well. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.



Other names

Bovine Orchic Extract, Bovine Testicle Extract, Bull Balls Extract, Concentré Testiculaire, Extracto Orchic, Extrait de Testicule, Extrait de Testicule Bovin, Extrait de Testicule de Taureau, Facteurs Testiculaires, Orchic, Orchic Concentrate, Orchic Factors, Orchic Substance, Substance Testiculaire


Source: WebMD, http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-1014-orchic%20extract.aspx?activeingredientid=1014&activeingredientname=orchic%20extract



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