Pediococcus acidilactici is a species of Gram-positive cocci that is often found in pairs or tetrads.



  •  P. acidilactici is a homofermentative bacterium that can grow in a wide range of pH, temperature, and osmotic pressure, therefore being able to colonize the digestive tract. It has emerged as a potential probiotic that has shown promising results in animal and human experiments, though some of the results are limited. They are commonly found in fermented vegetables, fermented dairy products, and meat.


  • Pediococcus acidilactici has a wide range of potential benefits of which are still being studied. Though it is being used as probiotic supplements in treating constipation, diarrhea, relieving stress, enhancing immune response among birds and small animals, human trials are still limited. Pediococcus acidilactici is also known to prevent colonization of the small intestine by pathogens like ShigellaSalmonellaClostridium difficile and Escherichia coli among small animals.


  • P. acidilactici has not been stated in any literature to have toxic effects.


  • Not known.

Other names

  • n/a


Source: Wikipedia,


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