

  • The herb periwinkle is typically used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.


  • As medicine, periwinkle is said to support brain health and to treat diarrhea, vaginal discharge, throat ailments, chest pain, high blood pressure, wound healing, and blood-purification.
  • In cosmetics, periwinkle can help reduce inflammation and act as an astringent.


  • For consumption, periwinkle is said to be unsafe as it may cause nausea, vomiting, nerve damage, liver and kidney damage, and very low blood pressure.


  • Periwinkle interacts with high blood pressure medications and may cause blood pressure to drop to dangerously low levels.

Other Names

Common Periwinkle, Earlyflowering, Evergreen, Herbe à la Capucine, Herbe de Fidélité, Lesser Periwinkle, Myrtle, Petite Pervenche, Pervenche Mineure, Small Periwinkle, Vinca minor, Vincae Minoris Herba, Vincapervinca, Violette des Morts, Violette de Serpent, Violette de Sorcier, Wintergreen



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