

Plums are fruit which are often found in seasons extending from May to October, there are not many fruit that provide the same taste, texture and sweetness like plums. Plums are some of the most healthy fruits, they belong to the prunes family and have a relatively low calories. 46 calories per 100 g to be precise. They contain many compounds, minerals and vitamins. Some compounds like dietary fibers, isatin and sorbitol are very benefiting and are known to benefit and help in the smooth functioning of the digestive system, therefore we get to know that plums help relieve constipation problems.


  • Plums also have a lot of uses, other than preventing from dangerous diseases plums can improve various things. One of the best thing that a human body has is the eye sight, no one wants to risk their eye sight. Plums are rich in Vitamin A and beta carotene, these compounds are beneficial for the eyes and help to keep a healthy set and pair of eyes. Plums also keep the bones strong and improve the memory of the average person, so in other words it has many more benefits than side effects.


  • For Weight Loss

One of the greatest benefit of eating of plums or plum puree is that it helps a lot in weight reduction. This is because they contain zero calories but contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients. They are not only tasty but are filling too, eating only a couple of plums can fill you up for at least half a day, it is a really fresh diet which is included in every weight loss and fitness programs.

  • For Prevention

Plums are also very rich in potassium, this can help regulate blood pressure hence reduce the risk of heat stroke. Whether you are suffering for blood pressure and heart issues or not, you should always try to eat as many plums as you can.

  • For Removal Of Cancerous Elements

When you eat a plum, you can easily notice that there are certain reddish blue pigments in them, these plums are rich in antioxidants that can wipe out and remove free radicals from the body. These radicals are main causes of cancer and if they are removed from the body, it can prevent cancer.

  • For Smooth Digestion

Plums also contain a lot of dietary fibers, including isatin and sorbitol. These two compounds or substances are known to help in the proper function of the digestive system. Even if you eat dried plums or prunes, you can keep regulating the bowel movement.


Like everything in this world, plums also have a few side effects. One of the biggest side effect of plums is that it contains oxalate, if you eat plums in a large quantity then it can cause kidney and bladder stones which is very painful. It also causes acidity which can be very painful and irritating.   These were somethings that you need to know about plums and plum puree. It has many benefits but like every other eatable, it can cause problems if consumed too much.

Other Names

  • Prunes


None are recorded. please consult your nutritionist.



My health by nature,


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