potato protein

Potato protein isolates have been on the European food ingredient market since 2008, and have been introduced to the U.S. market since 2009.



  • Extracted by a specialized technology, the protein composition of the isolate is said to contain anywhere between 90-95% amino acid concentrations, along with high solubility, and bioavailability.
  • This amino acid content exceeds the protein content of soybean protein isolates and the overall recommended daily nutrition allowances, which have successful applications for sports nutrition.


  • Extracted from non-genetically modified potatoes, potato protein isolates are pure and native. They do not require any allergen labelling.
  • They suit all animal-friendly and vegan claims, and are halal- and kosher-certified.
  • And they are more sustainable than animal proteins. Thanks to a well balanced amino acid composition, potato proteins have a high biological value, higher than offered by any other vegetable protein and close to whey and egg protein.
  • This makes it a good source for protein fortification in a wide range of food products.




None are recorded. Please consult with a specialist.

Other names



Source: Avebe, http://www.avebe.com/potato-protein/

Ground-based, https://www.ground-based.com/wellness/science-research/potato-protein-isolate

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