Corydalis is a plant. People use the tuber and root for medicine.
Corydalis is used for mild depression, mild mental disorders, emotional disturbances, severe nerve damage, and limb tremors. It is also used as a mild sedative and tranquilizer, as a hallucinogen, to lower blood pressure, and to relax spasms in the small intestine.
Corydalis possesses soothing, narcotic and tranquilizing properties and is commonly used to alleviate abdominal pains.
Corydalis forms an integral part of the traditional Chinese medicine and has been extensively used for centuries to lend a hand in stimulating the circulatory system as well as alleviate nearly all excruciating conditions. This herb is especially prescribed by herbal medicine practitioners to mitigate menstrual cramps, chest and abdominal soreness. In fact, the pain relieving characteristic of the herb is attributed to the extremely potent alkaloids enclosed by it. The root of the corydalis herb possesses palliative or pain relieving, tranquillizing, anti-septic and anti-spasmodic properties. Corydalis is believed to be warm by nature and possess an overpowering and astringent flavor. The herb is related to the treatment of the heart, liver and spleen. Many Chinese herbal medicine practitioners also use the herb to lower blood pressure. You may prepare a tea, a tincture or a decoction with corydalis. Presently, extracts of corydalis roots are also available in the market.
The root of the herb has been conventionally recommended to relieve pains as well as reinforce the circulation system for hundreds of years. In effect, the root of the herb is effectively used to treat a number of physical conditions, such asdysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), hernia, chest pains, lumbago (chronic or recurrent soreness in the lumbar region, the back or loins) as well as harrowing injuries. Usually, the root of the herb is unearthed and cut during the latter part of spring or early phase of summer after the aerial parts of the herb has withered away. After harvesting, the root is dried and stored for use afterwards. Different extracts from corydalis have demonstrated to possess cardio tonic, antitussive (a substance used to suppress cough) anti-cancer and hypotensive (substance that causes low blood pressure) properties.
It is not known if using corydalis is safe. When too much is taken, corydalis can cause spasms and muscle tremors.
Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: It’s UNSAFE to take corydalis if you are pregnant. It might start your period and cause the uterus to contract. This could cause a miscarriage.
Breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the safety of using corydalis if you are breast-feeding. It’s best to avoid using it.
None are recorded.
Other names
Corydale, Corydale Bulbeuse, Corydale Creuse, Corydale à Tubercule Creux, Corydalis cava, Corydalis tuberosa, Corydalis Yanhusuo, Corydalis Yanhusuo Rhizome, Dai Ding, Early Fumitory, Fumeterre Creuse, Squirrel Corn, Yanhusuo, Yuan Hu Suo
Source: WebMD,