Superoxide dismutase is an enzyme found in all living cells. An enzyme is a substance that speeds up certain chemical reactions in the body. The superoxide dismutase that is used as medicine is sometimes taken from cows.
Superoxide dismutase is taken by mouth for removing wrinkles, rebuilding tissue, and extending the length of life. However, there is no evidence that superoxide dismutase products that are taken by mouth are absorbed by the body.
As a shot, superoxide dismutase is used for treating pain and swelling (inflammation) caused by osteoarthritis, sports injuries, and rheumatoid arthritis; a kidney condition called interstitial cystitis; gout; poisoning caused by a weed-killer called paraquat;cancer; and lung problems in newborns.
Superoxide dismutase is also given as a shot for improving tolerance to radiationtherapy, improving rejection rates in kidney transplantation, and minimizing heartdamage caused by heart attacks.
A sterile solution containing superoxide dismutase is sometimes applied directly to the eyes for treating ulcers on the cornea.
Studies have shown that SOD acts as both an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory in the body, neutralizing the free radicals that can lead to wrinkles and precancerous cell changes. Researchers are currently studying the potential of superoxide dismutase as an anti-aging treatment, since it is now known that SOD levels drop while free radical levels increase as we age.
Superoxide Dismutase helps the body use zinc, copper, and manganese. There are two types of SOD: copper/zinc (Cu/Zn) SOD and manganese (Mn) SOD. Each type of SOD plays a different role in keeping cells healthy. Cu/Zn SOD protects the cells’ cytoplasm, and Mn SOD protects their mitochondria from free radical damage.
Abnormalities in the copper- and zinc-dependent superoxide dismutase gene may contribute to the development of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig’s disease, in some people. ALS is a fatal disease that causes deterioration of motor nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. It has been theorized that low levels of superoxide dismutase in those with ALS leaves nerve cells unprotected from the free radicals that can kill them, so researchers have been studying the effect of vitamin E and other antioxidant supplements on the progression of this disease. It was hoped that regular doses of antioxidants could make up for the lack of SOD and help neutralize free radicals. Initial studies were promising, and indicated that vitamin E supplementation could potentially slow the progression of ALS, with some researchers claiming that the risk of death from ALS was as much as 62 percent lower in regular vitamin E users compared to nonusers.
Superoxide Dismutase has also been used to treat arthritis, prostate problems, corneal ulcers, burn injuries, inflammatory diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, and long-term damage from exposure to smoke and radiation, and to prevent side effects of cancer drugs. In its topical form, it may help to reduce facial wrinkles, scar tissue, heal wounds and burns, lighten dark or hyperpigmentation, and protect against harmful UV rays.
Injectable (shot) forms of superoxide dismutase that have been used in research studies appear to be safe. Some superoxide dismutase products are obtained from animal sources, raising concern about contamination from sick or diseased animals. Though there are no reports of people getting sick after using superoxide dismutase products taken from animals, it’s best to avoid products from animal sources until more is known.
Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of superoxide dismutase during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.
None are recorded.
Other names
Orgotein, SOD, Super Dioxide Dismutase, Superóxido Dismutasa, Superoxydase Dismutase, Superoxyde Dismutase
Source: WebMD,