- Condurango is an herb. People use the bark to make medicine.
- Condurango is used for indigestion and stomach cancer. It is also used for increasing the appetite.
- Condurango contains a substance that stimulates salivation and stomach juices.
- Condurango seems safe for most people when used appropriately.
- Latex allergy: People who are allergic to latex are sometimes also allergic to condurango. The allergic reaction can be severe. Be sure to avoid condurango if you have a latex allergy.
Other Names
Common Condorvine, Condurango Blanco, Condurango Cortex, Eagle-Vine Bark, Gonolobus condurango, Lechero, Liane du Condor, Marsdenia condurango, Marsdenia reichenbachii, Tue-Chien.
Source: WebMD, “Condurango”, www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/