D-Phenothrin is a synthetic pyrethroid.



  • It is a synthetic pyrethroid that kills adult fleas and ticks. It has also been used to kill head lice in humans. d-Phenothrin is used as a component of aerosol insecticides for domestic use. Phenothrin is often used with methoprene, an insect growth regulator that interrupts the insect’s biological life cycleby killing the eggs.


  • Highlt effective.
  • Phenothrin has been found to possess antiandrogen properties, and was responsible for a small epidemic of gynecomastia via isolated environmental exposure.


  • It is extremely toxic to bees. A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study found that 0.07 micrograms was enough to kill honey bees. It is also extremely toxic to aquatic life with a study showing concentrations of 0.03 ppb killing mysid shrimp. It has increased risk of liver cancer in rats and mice in long term exposure. It is capable of killing mosquitoes, although remains poisonous to cats and dogs, with seizures and deaths being reported due to poisoning. Specific data on concentrations or exposure is lacking.
  • The EPA has not assessed its effect on cancer in humans. However, one study performed by the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine links sumithrin with breast cancer; the link made by sumithrin’s effect on increasing the expression of a gene responsible for mammary tissue proliferation.


  • Not known.

Other names

  • Phenothrin, sumithrin


Source: Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenothrin

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