Ground Wheat: The term “stone ground” refers to how manufacturers grind wheat kernels to make flour. After cleaning the grain kernels using blasts of air, manufacturers use one of three types of milling processes to grind the kernels into powder. Roller milling uses a series of large rollers to squeeze the kernels. Hammer milling uses linked chains to flail the kernels. Stone milling uses large rotating stones to grind the kernels into flour.



  •  Used to preserve the nutrients in the wheat.


  • Flour produced through roller milling might spoil faster than flour produced through stone milling.
  • The germ provides B vitamins and fatty acids that are necessary for healthy brain function. The endosperm contains starches, carbohydrates, protein, iron and B vitamins. Stoneground milling, which is done in a cool and gentle way, retains these vitamins and nutrients.


  • None.


  • Not known.

Other names

  •   n/a


Source: LiveStrong,


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