L-methionine is an amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks that our bodies use to make proteins. L-methionine is found in meat, fish, and dairy products, and it plays an important role in many cell functions.



Methionine supplements have many potential uses for certain people, but it isn’t proven to assist in losing weight.


One of these essential amino acids is L-methionine. It is responsible for a number of important body functions and plays a critical role in your body’s metabolism. It’s also a powerful antioxidant and as such helps fight free radicals in the body as well as slow the aging process. Methionine is a sulfur-containing amino acid that is responsible for the production of collagen, which is known to help enhance the condition of skin, hair, and nails.

L-Methionine may also help boost your immune system, as high methionine levels in the body can also increase the levels of other amino acids such as glutathione, homocysteine, and taurine, which all play important roles in immune function. In addition, selenium and zinc cannot be absorbed by the body without the aid of L-Methionine. Since L-Methionine acts as a chelator, it is also used in helping treat acetaminophen and copper poisoning. This is because your body makes cysteine from methionine, which is in turn converted into glutathione, the main detoxification agent in the body.

Methionine also helps the body produce SAMe (S-Adenosyl-L-methionine), which has been used to treat psychiatric illnesses, infertility, liver problems, premenstrual disorders, and musculoskeletal conditions. Studies on SAMe have shown that it is as effective as tricyclic antidepressants in alleviating depression.

Ongoing studies that show promise are also being conducted to determine how effective L-Methionine may be for treating HIV/AIDS, liver damage, Parkinson’s disease, and urinary tract infections.

In addition, according to WebMD, L-Methionine is also used for…

  • increasing the acidity of urine
  • treating liver disorders
  • improving wound healing
  • treating depression
  • alcoholism
  • allergies
  • asthma
  • anti-aging effects
  • copper poisoning
  • radiation side effects
  • schizophrenia
  • drug withdrawal
  • L-Methionine can be found in a number of foods including fish, meat, dairy products, sesame seeds, and some nuts. You can also find it in Jon Barron’s Ultimate Antioxidant and as one of the amino acids in his Nutribody Protein formulas.


Methionine is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth or injected intravenously (by IV) to treat acetaminophen poisoning, but only under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Don’t treat yourself with methionine. It is POSSIBLY UNSAFE to self-medicate with methionine if you use larger amounts than those typically found in food. Too much methionine can cause brain damage and death. Methionine can increase blood levels of homocysteine, a chemical that might cause heart disease. Methionine might also promote the growth of some tumors.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

Children: Methionine is POSSIBLY SAFE for children when given by mouth or injected intravenously (by IV) to treat acetaminophen poisoning, but only under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Methionine is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when injected intravenously into infants that are receiving parenteral nutrition.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There is not enough reliable information about the safety of taking methionine if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

Acidosis: Methionine can cause changes in acidity of the blood and should not be used in people with a condition called acidosis.

“Hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis): There is some concern that methionine might make atherosclerosis worse. Methionine can increase blood levels of a chemical called homocysteine, especially in people who don’t have enough folate, vitamin B12, or vitamin B6 in their bodies, or in people whose bodies have trouble processing homocysteine. Too much homocysteine is linked to an increased risk for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Liver disease, including cirrhosis: Methionine might make liver disease worse.

Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) deficiency: This is an inherited disorder. It changes the way the body processes homocysteine. People who have this disorder should not take methionine supplements because methionine might cause homocysteine to build up in these people. Too much homocysteine might increase the chance of developing diseases of the heart or blood vessels.

Schizophrenia: Large doses of methionine (e.g., 20 g/day for 5 days) might cause confusion, disorientation, delirium, agitation, listlessness, and other similar symptoms in people with schizophrenia.


None are recorded.

Other names

DL-Methionine, DL-Méthionine, L-2-amino-4-(methylthio)butyric acid, L-Methionine, L-Méthionine, Méthionine, Metionina


Source: LiveStrong, http://www.livestrong.com/article/358879-l-methionine-weight-loss/

WebMD, http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-42-methionine.aspx?activeingredientid=42&

Jonbaron, http://jonbarron.org/herbal-library/nutraceuticals/l-methionine#.VwZhk_mLTX4


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