Mercurius solublis is the American for a homeopathic remedy made from elemental mercury.



  • It was used in mainstream medicine until it was found, in its natural form, to have adverse side effects. Since homeopathy dilutes to the point that not a molecule remains, it is safe and we can reap all of the healing benefits. Mercury was found to have very specific properties within homeopathy, and out of that discovery came the homeopathic remedy of merc sol


Mouth and Throat Conditions:

Merc sol can be of great help when there are ulcers on the tongue, walls of the mouth, and the gums. These raised patches become sore and inflamed, and they often indicate oral thrush. There may be a sore throat present as well and this can become overcome with ulcers. This homeopathic remedy helps with the pain and also assists the body in naturally healing the ulcers overall.

Catarrh and Colds:

When there is watery and yellow or green catarrh that has a strong odor, merc sol can be of great help. It can also aid in healing the other symptoms such as chills, fever, sneezing fits, and headaches.

Eye and Ear Infections:

This often shows up as a sensitivity to light and watery or inflamed eyes that have a terrible discharge flowing from them. Merc sol can help the body naturally heal and resolve the ear pain as well as the discharge itself.


Merc sol can be turned to when the temperature gets high in the body and there is excessive sweating as a result of it. The fever may also be associated with glandular pain and a terrible headache as well.


This usually shows up as itchy and burning vaginal discharge in women, or as itchy red spots in men that appear on the penis.


  • Taken by itself, mercury is poisonous to humans and can cause irreversible damage to the nervous system even if the patient survives. Other symptoms of mercury poisoning include burning thirst, swelling and discoloration of the membranes lining the mouth, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, and shock. Hahnemann’s interest in accidental poisonings from medicines that were commonly used in the eighteenth century is one reason why mercury was one of the first substances that he studied. Since ancient times, mercury had been used for medicinal purposes to cleanse fever victims of toxins. In the modern world, however, mercury poisoning is more likely to result accidentally from breathing metallic vapors given off in certain industrial processes rather than from mercury-based medicines. Standard homeopathic preparations ofMercurius vivus are so dilute that they are highly unlikely to cause mercury poisoning even if the patient takes a sizable overdose.


  • None are recorded.

Other names

Mer Sol, Mercurius Solubilis Hahnemanni, Merc Sol, Quicksilver, Mercury, Black Oxide of Mercury, Ammonio—Nitrate of Mercury, Mercurious Vivus


Source: HomeRemedyCentral,

























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