Course and hairy, onosmodium is a white flower-bearing plant native to North America. The leaves, seeds, and roots of the plant are employed in homeopathic medicine.
Libido enhancer with stress relief properties
It works as a diuretic and tonic for various ailments. The plant serves as a swelling reducer. To cure kidney or gall stones, an infusion from the plant’s seeds and roots may be imbibed up to four times daily until the stones are released from the body. It may also provide a remedy for male sexual dysfunction.
Migraines can be treated with the bristly herb. Female lack of sexual desire can be reversed through use of the plant, while painful urination can be cured as well. Bladder irritation in general may be alleviated from using the onosmodium plant. The plant’s root, which is still flexible once dried, can help relieve kidney irritation when used as a tonic. Drinking such a solution is said to also support and strengthen renal areas.
Caution should be used when self-medicating with onosmodium. Because it causes excessive urination, it can also cause dehydration. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use the supplement.
- Please consult your doctor.
Other names
Also known as false gromwell, the plant is sometimes referred to as gravel weed and Wild Job’s tears.
Source: WiseGeek,