• Phytase is an enzyme that has the ability to liberate the phosphate and mineral residues from phytic acid (phytate), a compound formed during the maturation process of plant seeds and grains that is commonly found in plant-based foods. Roughly two thirds of the phosphorous present in plant based foods (cereal, wheat and various grains) is bound in the form of phytic phosphate.
  • Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc are frequently bound (chelated) as positively charged ions in phytate. Phytase cleaves and frees the bound phosphates from the phytic acid molecule providing essential phosphorus needed for healthy nutrition. In addition, calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium are liberated making these essential minerals available as well.
  • Phytase is one of the many essential enzymes necessary for the digestive process, and a key enzyme for bone health. Commonly found in plant material, phytase is a natural enzyme often used for breaking down and increasing the nutritional quality of grains, legumes, seeds and corn. Studies confirm that the use of this enzyme can help reduce the need for calcium phosphate and increase digestive health.


  1. Boosts Mineral Absorption and Bioavailability
  2. Reduction of Phytic acid in the Body
  3. Reduces Mineral Deficiency
  4. Reduction in Toxic Build-up in the Digestive Tract
  5. Cleaves Bound Phosphorus in the Body
  6. Boosts Bone Health


Source: Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM, www.globalhealingcenter.com/natural-health/phytase/

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