Tarentula Cubensis, also known as hairy spider or Cuban spider, is native to Texas, southern California, and Cuba. This spider is made into one of several homeopathic remedies in which an arachnid is the basic ingredient.



Tarentula Cubensis has marked action on genital pruritis. Tarentula Cubensis also helps in severe type of inflammations and septic conditions. Tarentula cubensis also helps in boils, carbuncles, felons and gangrene.


Homeopathic physicians may prescribe this remedy to people who demonstrate symptoms of severe pain, swelling, or inflammation. Pruritus, or itchiness, of the kidney region and genital area may also be treated with Tarentula cubensis. These symptoms usually occur in conjunction with stinging or burning pain, nighttime restlessness, and an increased discomfort when the afflicted area is touched.

Tarentula cubensis is also given to patients with diptheria, those who experiencedizziness, or a dull ache on the top of their heads, along with a shooting pain through the left eyeball and across the face. The inability to hold urine while coughing, pimples, drowsiness, and a harsh cough are just a few more of the symptoms said to be relieved by Tarentula cubensis. In addition, this remedy is given to people who are dying. It is believed that it eases the pain of death.


Tarentula cubensis is considered safe, but anyone considering using a homeopathic remedy, particularly if pregnant or nursing, should consult with a physician prior to its use.


None are recorded.

Other names

Cuban spider


Source: WiseGeek, http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-tarentula-cubensis.htm

Rxhomeo, http://www.rxhomeo.com/pharmacy/homeopathic.php?act=viewProd&productId=340&pName=TARENTULA+CUBENSIS



















































































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